Banished Wizard Wiki

The witch hunt is a series of quests that revolves around the villagers attempting to hunt witches. As the player you can try to stay neutral (no effect), prevent the witch hunt (+good, +2 scintques if successful), or encourage the witch hunt (+evil. I've never actually finished it, but there are some achievements related to it.) At the top of the witch hunt text, it will display the hunt morale. At least 10 morale starts the hunt, 0 or less ends it. Once ended, the witch hunt quests will disappear for that rewind. During the witch hunt, you are mentally connected to a boy named Adam and can control what he does.

Most quests let you choose what to do, but anything that says not a choice means that the effect with be applied as soon as you accept that quest.

Preventing witch hunt:

  • Dissuade villagers= -1 morale
  • Praise witches= +1 good
  • Help sick villagers= -10 morale, +5 good, -5 evil
  • Sabotage pitchforks= -2 morale
  • Convince them to stay= -5.5 morale, +3 good

Encouraging witch hunt:

  • Support witch hunt= +1 morale
  • Snail approaches (not a choice)= +8 morale | +17 morale (maybe related to evil standing?)
  • Don't help sick villagers= -5 morale, -5 good, -some villagers
  • Let them go= +1 morale (this is what I wrote down a while ago, not entirely sure what the scenario is)
  • Tell Ridicus not to kill the witch= +1 morale
  • Tell Ridicus to kill the witch= +1 morale
  • Support witch hunt= +5.5 morale | +14 morale (maybe related to evil standing?)

Pre witch hunt:

  • Ridicus:
    • Tell Ridicus not to kill the witch= +1 morale
    • Tell Ridicus to kill the witch= +1 morale
    • Tell Ridicus to decide= +1 morale
  • pitchforks
    • support them = -1000 gold, +1 evil, +2 morale
    • dissuade villagers = -1 morale, new option
      • question lystander's motives: -1 morale
    • I don't care =
  • rockactrice disease in village
    • Help sick villagers= -10 morale, +5 good, -5 evil
    • Don't help sick villagers= -3 morale, -5 good, -some villagers
  • Priestess approaches?? story
    • give sermon = +3 morale (maybe variable?)
    • support the witch hunt = +1 morale (villagers seem uncertain)
    • sabotage pitchforks = +1 morale / -2 morale? Some sort of good evil check to see if you succeed?
  • lysander in village/snail = +6 morale
  • your villagers
    • support hunt = +7 morale
    • convince them to stay = +3 good -3 morale
    • leave them be = nothing

During witch hunt:

  • clearing with tree menhirs
    • Tell all = advance quest, -1 morale
    • Tell bof = advance quest
  • ???
    • Gather food
      • Tell others = +2 morale
      • Talk = -1 morale
    • Look at stones= nothing
  • Grimacing threes
    • Explore = Adam dies
    • Tell others = nothing
    • Move on = nothing
  • Troll toll
    • Stay
      • Jovefka = advance quest
      • Pakkon = advance quest
      • Bof = advance quest
      • Adam = advance quest
    • flee
  • Troll talk
    • Do nothing = die
    • Go to troll = advance quest
  • After troll talk
    • Tell truth = nothing
    • Lie = nothing
    • Confide your doubts = -1 moral
  • Weirdos?
  • After weirdos?
    • Talk to them =>
      • Go with them =>
        • touch stone? = achievement
        • tell bof? = Adam dies
      • Tell bof = +1 witch hunt progress
    • Do nothing = Adam dies
    • Tell bof = +1 witch hunt progress
  • Unicorn
    • Touch unicorn = Adam as unicorn (witch hunt over?)
    • Dont touch unicorn = advance quest
  • Meadow
    • Pretend an injury = Adam dies
    • Wait untilshe sleeps = advance quest
    • Confront = advance quest, jump to "Big Fight"
    • Be friendly = Adam dies
  • Night attack (only if picked wait till sleep?)
    • unbind her = advance quest
    • don't unbind her = advance quest
  • witch survives (unbound) = leads to end of witch hunt after 2? more quests (with right choices?)
  • witch died (bound, you feel bad) = advance quest
  • Arrive at wight stones
    • Sing a Song = morale +3
    • Suggest retreat = morale -6
    • Perform show = morale -4
    • click here (llama) =
      • create SuperAdam (power)
      • create SuperAdam (HP)
      • llama option (gives evil achievement)
      • llama option (???)
        • superadam removed 2 later.
  • Witch Standoff (story only)
  • Big fight ( if confronted) Bof uses magic powder - witches die
    • Stab witch
    • Don't stab witch - 1 Scintque
      • Wild animals summoned - adam dies to a wolf bite
  • Pig rescue
    • Sleep = Adam survives (achievement, end of quest line)
    • Kill Gruntar = 5 Scintque, +1 Necromancy, +50 evil, evil achievement, Adam dies (later?)

Ways to die:

  • Stick head into glowing tree
  • Don't approach the troll
  • Touch the unicorn

Increase morale:

Decrease morale:


Increase progress:
